Friday, June 8, 2012

Best summer harvest yet!!!

After killing a few adult aphids and several baby ones, I picked a good amount of tomatoes and 4 cucumbers.  Today's weight of tomatoes is 45.47 oz, so roughly 3 oz shy of 3 lbs.  The two large green tomatoes will be sliced and fried for some yummy fried green tomatoes tonight.

Running total of Produce
cucumbers:  19
tomatoes: 146.14 oz = 9.13 lbs
zucchini:   3
peppers:  0
potatoes:  0

There are about 3 peppers that I so want to pick but I think I will let them stay on a few more days to get some growth to them.  The 4th zucchini is about ready too, so will have to keep looking for some more recipes.   This week we are going to do some zucchini rolls filled with shrimp and goat cheese grilled on the grill. 

We have been doing our best to eat and cook with all the tomatoes and cucumbers but we just can't seem to put a dent in them.   I have packaged up a pint size each for my neighbors along with a good sized cucumbers  (some green ones).  I will keep the yellowish ones to eat for myself.  

Get dirty and keep on gardening!

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