Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fruit trees and kombucha

Got a deal on some fruit trees for $10 a piece at HEB.  I picked up 2 apple, 2 pear, 2 peach, and an apricot tree.  Finding room for all of them was a challenge, but I got them all in the ground.  It took me about 3 weeks, so hopefully the time in the containers hasn't killed them.

I started making my own kombucha about a month ago.  I started from scratch by making my own scoby. Today I brewed a large batch of tea to start a continuous feeding system.  Information I found said this method is less tedious and better for your scoby, so it sounded good to me.  I had about 4 cups left over from my scoby making batch. I used the left overs and experimented with adding some flavoring to the kombucha.  I am trying a ginger lemon batch and an orange lime batch.  I tasted the raw kombucha and it wasn't that bad.  Tasted somewhat like apple cider vinegar.   I have to let the flavors infuse for 3-5 days and then refrigerate them.  

We are heading to Oktoberfest this weekend , so they very first batch of clint's kombucha should be ready upon my return.  I can't wait!

Go outside and Get Dirty!