Saturday, April 9, 2011

Time to start the Spring garden

This is my 3rd year in attempting to have a garden in my backyard.  Because of the rocky soil,  I built 4 raised 4x4ft squared beds and two 2x4ft raised beds with a trellis between them.  So now in my 3rd year, I have been able to find a few plants that will grow well for me.  Last year the only thing that produce anything were cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and jalopenos.  This year I have added a few more things to test out.  I have 3 different tomato varieties, jalopenos, bell peppers, California peppers, red and purple onion, cucumbers, yellow squash, black watermelons, strawberries, kale, and bib lettuce.  Most of these were started from seed in the garage and transplanted outside in the beds in early April.