Sunday, April 24, 2016

New season... New experiments

 So this year I am trying the dry farming method.  This procedure you spread out your plants 3 feet apart and water less. The goal is for each plant to take up any available water to use. Best way to describe this method is to think of plants that live in the desert. You bury your plants deep and water less frequently. So far the tomato plants have not grown very much. They're only about a foot tall. Last year at this time my plants were about 3 feet tall and already starting to produce fruit. Not sure if this method is going to work, but patience  is a gardener's worst enemy. 

A cool thing is that some bell pepper and jalapeƱo plants that I used in the buckets last year are starting to produce again.

I used one bed as my random salad bed.  I just took the seeds and randomly threw them in.  Growing is broccoli, lettuce, and carrots.  

Another experiment I am trying are some worm composting buckets.   Not sure how well they are working yet either.  

Took some cuttings from the grape vines and pear tree in January and they are taking root.  

I also started some seeds back in late March and some are coming up.  Looks like butternut squash from grocery store produce, watermelon, bell pepper, honeydew, and green beans.  

I have big aspirations to turn my whole front yard into an edible garden patch but just haven't had time to get it started.  I did however put in some 4x4 posts and planted 4 grape vines between them.   I want to create a living fence as part of the edible garden design.

Until next time...

Go Garden and Get Dirty!