The benefits of watering your garden with pure natural rain.
Some jalapeños and Aladdin peppers are here thanks to the bountiful rain we have been blessed with for the past week. For cast predicts two more weeks of rain which is wonderful for the garden but even better for my watering expenses.
Tomato plants are a good three feet high and have several green fruits on them. Maybe in a week or two some will be ready for picking. Can't wait to make some roasted green salsa.
The beets from the fall are likely as big as softballs, but can't decide what to do with them. Roast them and put them on a salad and pickle the rest. May try eating the greens as chips or sauted.
Transplanted mint is doing well, but the cilantro and basil are not. I think the zucchini plants and tomato plants are blocking out to much sun for them. Will just have to wait and see.
The mystery tree is growing rapidly. The leaves look like a maple tree. Need to do some research soon to see if it's a tree I want to keep. The only trees I like are ines that give me something to eat. Speaking of trees, the peach tree has a a couple of fruits on it already.
Picked up a fig tree thanks to a student who gave me a gift card to Natural Gardeners. Planted it in my new butterfly garden beside the future pergola.
I finally got the three pergola post in the ground and planted three of the five grape plants beside them. Not sure where to put the remaining two vines. One of the ground vines as tiny little grapes on it. Can't wait for it to grow and cover the future pergola where we can sit, enjoy the weather and view, and share a meal with family and friends.
On another note, just returned from a trip to Boston where a visit to Fenway Park , I got to see a rooftop garden in person. It was pretty cool.
Get dirty and keep on gardening!
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