Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First cucumber harvest of the season, zucchini almost ready, and regrowth of the bib lettuce

I checked the vines today and decided to cut two of the cucumbers off.  The other two I am going to give a couple more days on. Can't eat that many cucumbers at one time.

What's really surprising to me is how fast zucchini grows.  One day it was about the size of a baby carrot and then the next day its about a foot long.  This is my first time growing zucchini and so far, its doing quite well in the raised beds.

I guess we will be making lots of salad in the next few days because the bib lettuce is really growing.  The plant that I cut off about a month ago has already grown back to a nice size.   Need to start a crop rotation calendar to efficiently use all the produce this year.  Saw another decent size strawberry the other day too, but I guess a critter had a juicy snack because it was gone.

Get dirty and keep on gardening!

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