The chocolate strawberry rhubarb is nice and subtle, a good dessert kombucha. The mango jalopeno is a great way to jump start your morning with a citrusy tang and a hint of spicy heat.
The garden is coming in slowly, as I saw my first tomato yesterday. Half of my tomato plants haven't grown much die to the over crowding or over shading by the cilantro mini-trees😏. I cleared around them about two weeks ago, hoping to see better growth soon. The plants in the front yard keyhole beds are still quite small. Only watering once a week, but thinking I may need to up that soon. The cages for the compost are proving to be solid, no signs of critters getting in and not visible tracks in the dirt around them. They aren't smelly either, which I'm sure my neighbors are pleased about. H
The weather around here has been unusual. Not many hot days yet and moderate amount of rain. Usually I think we are hitting the 90's by now, but we have gotten several cold fronts that are keeping the temps down for us.
Until next time....
Go outside and Get dirty!