The aphids are terrible and my DIY garlic pepper spray just isn't working and they are devouring all of my large red tomatoes. I went ahead and pulled most of all the remaining green tomatoes, which I plan on roasting on the grill and making salsa and/or some fried green tomatoes.
The eggplant plant only produced one decent size vegetable. Will have to check out some paleo recipes to use this one.
I need to start planting seeds for the fall right about now but never do because the summer crops usually keep producing till mid to late September. However, looking today, many of the plants are already showing signs of dying. I hope to get out later this week to clean out the beds, add some good compost, and plant some seeds. School starts back up next week so this week is my last chance.
Ideas fall garden:
Brussels sprouts, pumpkins, kale, broccoli, sweet corn, bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, watermelon, beats, and tomato transplants
I recently read that tomato transplants might do well in central Texas in the Fall. So I am going to experiment. It will be more of an experiment with transplanting cuttings since I haven't done it that much. Will also need to do it later on with my grape vines.
Speaking of grapes, I didn't bury the timbers in deep enough and the cantaloupe vines have started making them lean. I tied some runner strings to the top of the timbers for the grapes to grow up but it's not fairing out like I had imagined. I have been considering spending some money to make a really nice arbor walkway on the back of my house, move the grapevines, so they will grow and provide a covered shade porch. Having the grapes in the back of the garden, they are getting crowded out and don't get enough sunlight. I have also been thinking about doing something in the front yard as well. Not sure yet though.
Get dirty and keep on gardening!