So my wife and I just got back from a trip to Hot Springs, AR and I returned to find a small black diamond watermelon about the size of a softball. It's the first of hopefully more to come, as I can see a few flowers and small marble size melons elsewhere on the vine.

The basil is continuing to do great in this Texas summer heat and it even looks like the parsley is trying to make a comeback. I bought some organic plant food to spread out to help my tomatoes and covered my beds with the remaining 3yr mulch I had made. I went ahead and emptied out this years mulch to the open container to let it cook up in the heat, and start the new batch in the closed container to keep out the rodents.

Pretty much everything else is just barely hanging on. Watering every morning, a few hours before the sun rises, there's not much else I think I could do. I believe the biggest problem I have is that my raised beds are exposed to to much sunlight to long. Its about time to start planting for the fall garden, so I think I am going to move it over more in the shaded areas of my backyard. I was reading an article in the latest Urban Farm magazine about shade gardening, so I think I will give it a try. The writer said that his cherry tomato plants did well in partial shade along with some variety of beans, leafy greens, and carrots. Herbs also do well in partial shade, so I think I will do more container herbs so that I can move them around if needed.
Here are a few of the books and magazines that I like to use to help me with my gardening adventure.
This time of year you will find hundreds of cicada shells. I came across these on the underside of a leaf. Wonder what was going on here?
camera on phone has the worst macro
Get dirty and keep on gardening!