Sunday, September 7, 2014

Prepping for the fall

So with fall weather approaching, it's about time to get things ready for my fall garden.  I trimmed my tomato plants and with their trunks a good inch and a half thick, I pulled them out I the ground and transplanted them in a different location.  Three I them went in the ground where an old raised bed was.  I dug trenches and buried them sideways.  The Roma plants, I transplanted in my front yard to test the soil and amount of sun.  Ideally I would love to make some beds for the front yard or even plant fruit trees or more grape vines.

I also removed all but about two cantaloupe vines.  The ones left still have some melons on them. 

The compost in the barrel was golden ripe which prompted me to turn the stationary compost heaps. The center was like chocolate cake but the sides still needed some more time. Hopefully it will be ready by spring. 

Since the weather usually doesn't start dropping until late October to even mid November,  I think I still have about two more weeks to get my seeds into the ground.

Get dirty and keep on gardening!

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