Thursday, June 15, 2017

Summer fence picket projects

My neighbor had a lot of pickets that she wanted to get rid of that were still in good shape.   After I built my storage shed using fence pickets a few years ago, I decided to do some research into other projects/ideas using fence pickets.   My goal is to maintain each project to be at least 90% fence pickets and/or materials I already have around the house.  

My first of many is a couple of cornhole boards.   (100% pickets) Jennie wanted to contribute, so she sewed the cornhole bags, filled with dried corn.  It took about a day to complete the boards.   Added a score board on the back using golf tees and my wood burning tool.   

My next project was a small one, two frames for some west Texas prints my sister-in-law gave us, and a frame for a long mirror (cheap find at thrift store).  

My third project was my attempt to build an adirondack chair.  This one was the hardest thus far.   Trying to get the angles and the slant of the back was tedious and frustrating at times.    Not a winner in design, but it's functional.  

My current project is a 4x4x4 chicken coop.  I did use a 4x4 post for the legs that I salvaged from my neighbors trash.  So far the only costs has been two boxes of screws.   So far I have worked on the coop for two days and I would say I'm more than half way done with it.  I looked at many coops online, but this one is my own design, hence why it's taking a little longer to build.  I am designing as I go. 

Go outside and get dirty!

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