Saturday, November 7, 2015

November Gardening Notes

So far we have had some heavy rains every weekend for the past 3 weeks (since mid-October).   I have taken this opportunity to transplant a few things with the help of the well saturated soil.

Maple tree- moved from the center of garden beds to the old original square bed located to the left of current garden beds.

Unknown tree growing in one of the back beds by the recently planted peach tree- relocated to a bucket for now until species has been identified and a permanent location can be determined.

Tomato cuttings- taken from a cutting from this past spring planting, planted one in each of the garden beds.   Some basil is growing well thanks to the rain.

Mango tree grown from seed is growing well, now about a foot tall in a large pot.

Green onions are springing back thanks to the rain.

Notes for future work-
  • prune front yard pear trees in late January- early February to avoid damage from freeze
  • prune back yard and side yard ash trees- long branches to avoid potential damage from splitting or breaking off (fence, house, pergola)
  • prune grape vines and transplant early February and transplant cuttings
  • put in post and lines for grape vines
  • move raised beds to make room for grape vines

Get dirty and keep on gardening!

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